Athena Renova’s academic interests consist of dissecting the established hegemonic normality and the effects it has on everyone. They have spent the majority of my undergraduate education exploring concepts that defy hegemonic normality and the heteronormativity that exists within that by making satirical works of art (such as comics, paintings, etc.). Their undergraduate experience has also allowed me to use art to explore and challenge boundaries that are set in place in a hegemonic world. To illustrate, They are a second generation American as their father immigrated to the United States from Mexico. He has worked hard to achieve the American dream, however Athena (his oldest daughter) grew up to be everything outside of what fits into the American dream: a lesbian. Additionally, Athena was also fortunate enough to take part in a Latinx Diasporas art history class. There, they expanded their understanding of hegemonic normality and the boundaries - such as hierarchies - it establishes into society. For example, although their dad first crossed the border illegally, they have only ever witnessed him cross it legally, and even then there are events that happen such as humiliation, and where there is humiliation there is inevitably dehumanization. In the US, English is considered the “standard,” and therefore, when one does not speak the language they are deemed as language deficient. Their father, Sergio Renova, has been an important and impactful person in their life. Sergio began tattooing in the United States, which is where Athena got the inspiration to tattoo, which is what this piece is: it is a tattoo portfolio accompanied by a DIY lamp that represents all of the hegemonic normalities previously stated.